The Challenge

With growing competition in China, FTSE 100 listed British Pharma Intelligence company, Informa, challenged Qumin to grow their brand equity, follower and consumer base, market share and revenues – all from existing clients. A tough challenge but crucial to fulfilling Informa’s goal to be the market leader in China.


Knowing the category is healthy, Qumin’s CRM analysts discovered that despite targeting B2B prospects through traditional email marketing, Pharma Intelligence’s audiences delivered low engagement and conversion rates with high costs per acquisition and high churn rates – email to website journeys were not working.

In addition, pharmaceutical content, due to its complex scientific and medical nature, is lengthy and data-rich which makes it difficult to consume and share. Given Chinese consumers’ online journeys and behaviour differ from Westerners’, Informa’s existing website and content could not simply be translated into Chinese.”


We proposed a new and dynamic integrated CRM strategy optimised for China’s unique B2B online behaviour:

The traditional CRM funnel – awareness, acquisition, conversion, retention and advocacy shifted from a traditional siloed approach to a highly targeted, dynamic, immediately responsive and measurable methodology which dovetailed perfectly with Informa Pharma’s mission to “grow market share through best-in-class social media as part of an integrated social CRM programme”.

The Execution

Specifically, we mapped out new communication themes and set relevant social media objectives, activities and KPIs. Organic and paid media programmes were devised to drive new subscribers, an ongoing content schedule was created as well as a new lead generation programme.

Customer service and community management via WeChat were also part of the scope, so Qumin helped Informa migrate their WeChat account from a subscription to a service account. Finally, Qumin created a website with revised UX specific for the Chinese audience and implemented GA tracking.”


80%+ followers
100%+ article read rate
150%+ account interaction rate
No followers lost during WeChat migration
A website ready to go live in 2020