Want to drive quick results that complement your longer-term strategy?
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a great way to improve online visibility, drive traffic and drive sales. While search engine optimisation and building a social media presence deliver benefits over the long-run, do PPC right and it delivers immediate results. We’ll first help you through the complex registration procedure. Then our experts in London and Shanghai will help you handpick the right keywords, target the right audiences and help you create a landing page that converts.
Baidu ads offer your brand a huge array of choices, integrations and customisation options – we’ll help fast-track you to the ones that work best for your needs. Being smart in selecting, building and managing these tools gives your brand the best chance of securing an outsized return on your ad spend. Once your PPC campaign is up-and-running we’ll help you track and fine-tune, so you can channel your resources into top-performing keywords, tools, and copy structures.
We’ll help your brand start driving traffic and sales in no time, with a tailored PPC campaign.
Take a look at our PPC case studies:
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