Test your Singles’ Day knowledge!

How well do you know Singles’ Day, i.e. the LARGEST shopping festival in the world?

In our latest Who Wants to be a Chinanaire? episode, we tested our team to find out who was tuned in to the upcoming festival!

  • What is Singles’ Day also known as?
  • Which company is most associated with the festival?
  • What was the GMV of last year’s 2019 Singles’ Day?
  • When did Singles’ Day originally begin?
  • How do you say Singles’ Day in Mandarin?
  • How many brands will take part in this year’s event on Tmall and Taobao?
  • Which American celebrity successfully used last year’s Singles’ Day to launch a new product via a live stream with famous live streamer Viya?

Reckon you could get all the answers right?

Test yourself in our special Singles’ Day edition of Who Wants to be a Chinanaire?!

Need a bit more info on what Singles’ Day is and how it works?

We created a mini-documentary answering all the questions you might have!

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